Monday, 23 June 2008

pass on the comfort

kisah di hujung minggu...
bershopping di 'kompleks membeli belah' di carmathen adalah antara agenda utama kami di hujung minggu..mana lagi kalau bukan bercarboot..
kalau ikutkan hati..aku dah tak sanggup lagi nak 'bertawaf' di dalam carboot..tak tahan dengan sejuk dan dingin di pagi hari...lagipun aku dah tak tahu lagi apa yang nak di beli..tapi kalau tak pergi ..terasa miss pula..
selepas bershopping kami bertolak pula ke pendine beach ..yang sudah lama kami tak kunjungi..
tempatnya tidaklah jauh ..just about half an hour dari carmathen..
pendine beach adalah antara pantai kesukaanku..
oleh kerana angin yang bertiup kencang maka kami tak dapat berlama di pantai..
dalam perjalanan pulang..singgah sebentar di istana lama..
berjalan2 di pinggir istana berdekatan muara sambil menghirup udara segar..indah dan damai...
...sesungguhnaya ciptaan Allah itu memang indah.. the beauty of ordinary things..

joy in a feeling that I had the right to be alive..

joy in accepting my self with all my faults ..

and joy in a realization

that my pain was not wasted...

a new life begins for us with every second..

let us go forward joyously to meet it..

we must press on..

whether we will or no..

we shall walk better with our eyes before us
than with them ever cast behind

strew human life with flowers..

save every hour for the sunshine..

exalt your souls..

widen the sympathies of your heart

make joy real now to those love you..

and help forward the joy of those yet to be born
(richard jeferries)

..the past exist only in memory, consequences, effects.
it has power over me only as I give it my power.
I can let go, release it, move freely...
I am not my past

1 comment:

CikguZue said...

salam kak,

saya linkkan akaknye blog, boleh tak?

cantik2la tempat tu...sampai terguling2 bebudak...hehehe....