Saturday, 1 January 2011

doaku yang tidak putus..

I want to pray for my dad, I want to pray for his wellbeing and happiness. His Prayers of healing for him and mum. As well as those personal prayers I am praying for wellbeing for all of us that need it. For mercy for the suffering, for love and hope and lightness and joy. Allah bless all of you that are sharing my prayer and Allah bless all your families and friends and communities. Allah bless all the broken hearts and minds. Allah bless all the love.

Ya Allah bless my mum and dad…please makes them well. Ya Allah bless all the poor people, Allah bless all the people suffering in any way. Please lighten their and our burdens. I know this is a prayer of wants and needs and there is a prayer of gratitude but this one feels like it has to be said.

Ya Allah through the power of prayer I ask tfor you Ya Allah, that my dad can be healed..please..he has been through enough now. Allah bless all the people praying, thank you for all your kind thoughts. Allah please wraps my dad in everyones healing thoughts. He is a great person, don’t let him ill like this, please ya Allah make him well again. Allah bless mum and dad.

Thank you everyone who has prayed, it would be such a miracle if your prayers could help him… Allah bless all of us praying.

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