Thursday 31 March 2011

Andai Ku Tahu

to my love to my only one to my sweetheart i love you forever you three are the whole world to me i always pray for you till the end of my day may the Almighty Allah swt grant you everything you deserve.. i love you more and more

Monday 28 March 2011

kerdilnya diri..

                                                      Wahai Tuhanku
                                           .........Naungi dosa-dosaku
                                 .....dengan keredupan rahmat Mu
.......................Utuskanlah awanan kelembutan Mu
        atas keaiban-keaibanku

Tuesday 22 March 2011

malaysia tanahairku..

Dunia kalut..malaysia berserabut..
in Malaysia's 'bolehland', politicians – guilty or not – have neither shame nor dignity. Islam?..maruah?..katanya.."ada aku kisah.."oh tanahairku..
Let’s band together and exercise our right, our power, as the rakyat. Let’s show Malaysia – and the world – that if our leaders will not take the lead, we the people will take up that responsibility. We will not be doing anything wrong. In fact, we will be doing what is good for our country.

mail dari teman..

        pesanan dari seorang teman..
                       ..ingatlah wahai pemilik hati yang terluka
                                      ..pada setiap kepayahan itu
                 ..tersirat kebahagiaan di sebalik perpisahan
                            ALLAH itu Maha Mengetahui
                          ..setiap perjalanan
                                  ..langkah hidup hambaNYA..

Saturday 19 March 2011

my soul...

...jiwa yang dibersihkan melalui pengalaman panjang pasti akan mampu terbang dengan sayap yang berkibar mengipasi alam..
         ....pulanglah kembali kepada fitrah serta kehidupan yang penuh makna dan disinari oleh cahaya keimanan...
       firman ALLAH swt:
           ...hai jiwa yang tenang..kembalilah kepada TUHANmu dengan hati yang puas
                lagi diredhaiNYA..masukkanlah kedalam jemaah hamba-hambaKU..
           masukkanlah kesyurgaKU
                                                   (al-Fajr 27-30)
...kalimah shahadah menjadi saksi
         perjuangan panjang menjadi ufti..
                         bayaran harga sebuah keabdian diri
                          syurga nan bahagia diri kembali

Wednesday 16 March 2011

sepohon tua dan seorang manusia

karya sahabatku.. Rosnani Ahmad

                    Perjalanan ini …
                                                                semakin jauh berbatu
                                                                singgah berteduh
                                                                di bawah sepohon tua
                                                                berdaun jarang dan kuning
                                                                bunganya layu
                                                                dilayang angin
                                                                dahan dan reranting
                                                                dimakan anai-anai
                                                                menanti luruh
                                                                sepohon tua
                                                                seorang manusia
                                                                adalah suatu kejadian
                                                                pengisi riwayat kehidupan
                                                                titik hentinya
                                                                sebuah kematian.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Who I Am

print close window
Social Expectation drowns us all inside
What you have should be what I want
Cos what I have just aint alright
The clothes I wear, the way I comb my hair
How I live, oh I don’t care
This is who I am, this is me
Nothing, everything, can’t you see
Who I am, just let me be
Cos like it or not but God loves me
Who I am
He said, she said, they all did
What’s expected of them all
To get to the top don’t matter
If somebody’s gotta fall
You gotta brace the storm, the norms to conform
Get what you wants’ gonna kill us all
Beyond the body that you see
There’s so much more to me
And I feel best when my soul is free
They tell me this is the way
that I need to reform
If I continue to stray,
I’m gonna start up a storm
Wear this, drive that, like this, not that
Don’t dare lose track or you’ll fall way back
But if my Lord loves me then
I know that I’m free
You can say what you want just let me be
I know if I’m real and it’s not a disguise
You’ll love who I am if you open up your eyes
I insist that you see, I aint a mystery
It’s who I wish to be, this is me
It’s what’s true within, come and look again
Looking through the skin
Who I Am

by Zain Bikha

Yusuf Islam - The Wind

its so beautiful and inspired me a lot..he lift up my sad soul..i'm just getting chills listening to him..