Monday 30 July 2012

seek forgiveness

One third of our beloved Ramadhan is over it is time for reflection, evaluation and correction, 
i believe it is time to be more determined to get closer to Allah 
and also it is time to get ready for the special last ten nights of Ramadhan 
and to prepare for Laylatul Qadr, we know this is first ten days of mercy, 
so forgive others and Allah will definitely show mercy upon us. 
may Allah give us the ability to sincerely forgive those who have caused us hurt or pain in our life, 
 may Almighty Allah forgive us all our sins and help us achieve our steadfastness,
 ameen ya Rabb

Sunday 29 July 2012

our ummah is suffering around the globe

as stated by Sheikh  Mutawaliy al-Sha'rawiy
العاشر من رمضان 1393 هجرية الموافق للسادس من اكتوبر 1973 ميلادية ذكرى انتصارنا على الكيان الصهيونى
اللهم طهر المسجد الاقصى من دنس الصهاينة وحرر ارض فلسطين منهم ولا تبقى منهم احد فى بلاد المسلمين اللهم انصر الاسلام واعز المسلمين وفرج كرب اخواننا المستضعفين فى كل مكان وانصر اخواننا فى سوريا وفى بورما وفرج كربهم يا ارحم الراحمين
May Allah free Palestine from occupation and grant us the opportunity to pray in Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa.
My sincerest prayers for my innocent brothers & sisters suffering around the globe especially the great people of Syria, Rohigya, Palestine,Pattani who have shown unbelievable resilience and strength. Stay strong. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all

Saturday 21 July 2012

Ramadhan Kareem

Ramadan Mubarak my dearest brothers and sisters. 
May the Month of Mercy be a source of blessings for you and your family. 
May your fasts and your prayers be acceptable to the Creator, 
and may it be a month when surrender to Him 
becomes your greatest desire.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Jum'ah mubarak

I thought I'd share the Prayer of Serenity today, 
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. 
Courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference."

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Happy birthday to my little angel..Kamilia

My dearest Kamilia..
today is our birthday..July the 4th
together we celebrate..
.. as you are so precious in my heart and my life..

my angel..
I fell deeply in love with you my princess, even before I saw you,
How happy you made me just by your presence, you have no clue.
The first time you kicked, is a moment I will cherish forever,
I just couldn't wait for that moment when we would be together.

I just could not have asked God for a better gift than you, my baby,
I feel so proud looking at you grown into such a fine young lady.
I promise to be your guardian angel and always stand by your side.
No matter how old you are, you will always be my dear little child

You have transformed my life into a fairytale,
My world has changed, and will never be the same.
Because my child, you are an angel from heaven to me,
You, my darling, are my most unforgettable dream.
Happy Birthday My Love.