Saturday 25 June 2011

I Believe

i love the view
i love the song
i always no doubt
i always do believe
You are close to me
You are forever with me

When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you
He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him
You’re always in our hearts and minds
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day
I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?
Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings
You’re always in our hearts and minds
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day
If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through
I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Membisu itu Lebih Indah..

             it is touching my heart
                   i love this so much when i read ..
                     indeed ..only He knows what i've been through..

Sakinah Saptu 
on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 11:10am
thanks to you my dear..

Bila airmata kita mengalir dek banyaknya desakan dan asakan
kita hanya membiarkan ia mengalir deras
tiada daya untuk menyapu air mata itu dengan jari jemari kita
apatah lagi menahan ia dari mengalir di pipi kita
sempit dada kita menahan sedu dan sedan
pada waktu itu kita memang mengharapkan
ada insan yang datang kepada kita
walau tanpa apa jua bicara
cukuplah sekadar berada di sisi kita
memberikan kekuatan dan sokongan
tapi selalunya kita hanya SENDIRIAN dalam keadaan itu.

Sunyi dan sepi mampu membunuh kita
kespian mengheret kita ke dunia kita sendiri
kesunyian menjadikan kita tidak terarah
kita hilang kawalan dan kita hilang jua penumpuan
kerana SUNYI.

Insan-insan yang tidak memahami akan memadangkan kita dengan jengkel
melihat kita sebagai manusia cengeng yang tiada tujuan
pedulikan anggapan itu
pedulikan apa jua pandangan mereka
kerana mereka hanya mampu berkata belakang kita
tanpa seorang pun yang sudi duduk bersama kita
untuk berkongsi air mata.

Apa yang kita rasakan sudah cukup berat
terbuku di kalbu
kita hanya mampu membisu
bagi kita itu lebih indah
dari berbicara dengan insah yang tidak endah
dari meluah rasa pada insan yang tidak kisah.

Apa yang kita rasai
Apa yang kita alami
tiada seindah kata untuk digambarkan
tiada secantik bahasa untuk diluahkan
ia hanya bermain di jiwa kita
Akhirnya, kita hanya mampu sujud dengan airmata
lalu memohon:
"Ya hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghith..."

Dari Anas r.a dia berkata bahawa Nabi s.a.w apabila mengalami suatu kesulitan, baginda mengucapkan doa berikut:

يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ بِرَحْمَتِكَ أَسْتَغِيثُ

Maksudnya: “Wahai yang maha hidup, Wahai yang maha berdiri, aku memohon pertolongan dengan rahmat-Mu” (H.R al-Tirmizi dalam kitab sunannya. Dihukum Hasan di dalam kitab Sahih al-Tirmizi, No.3524)

Sunday 19 June 2011

happy father's day

In the name of Allah, most Gracious most Merciful
In the Name of The One Who gives life to the soul and succor to the heart. His knowledge encompasses all things and His wisdom is absolute; He sees and Hears all things- even the prayers of those creatures that cannot speak. It is He Who divides the world into light and darkness; it is He who gives every creature an allotted time on earth, from the birds in the air to the fish in the depths of the ocean. He  has spangled the heavens with stars and filled the earth with people of different races and colors. He has given each man and woman a soul and He has lit each soul with the torch of reason, so that all of His bondsmen may attain salvation.

from deepest in my heart ..
i wish a happy father's day to my beloved one..
my lovely father who i call him 'ayah'..
to the Most Gracious..a very thankful of grant me such great father into my world
to 'ayah'..thank you so much being my dad ..
i want let you know that i'm proud having you in my life
no matters what..or what ever it takes...i will love you till the end of my breath

Tuesday 7 June 2011


A restful day..I choose to have.. the stress outside.. 
the peace inside.. the mind now free.. the tears all glee..
I walked along.. the paddy fields this day... 
may Allah swt grant me taqwa and iman..

Monday 6 June 2011

back to base

am back to the base after been holiday for several days..
masyaAllah a lot of things have to do lovely car needs some days to fix it i get a cab to univ ..
kids still in my hometown with my parents and others...i know i feel lonely over here but my circumstance doesn't allow me to be with them now..
praying from my deep heart for all you  my love..
i really sorry and do hope you have had a great fun and enjoy your hunting down there ..
its so nice and wonderful

Sunday 5 June 2011

moga anak2ku menghargainya

kembali menyusuri batas bendang dan hutan kecil tempat permainanku suatu waktu dulu..mengenalkan pd anak2 tumbuhan hijau di kebun ayah..dulunya mereka hanya kenal plum,pear,epal,berries dll..menyapa mesra wajah2 yg kini dimamah usia yg kupanggil mak teh..tok long dan pelbagai gelaran..masih kenal lagi mereka pd ku..its been long time mama..tanya anakku why they keep u on their mind? we r happy mama n its so fun indeed..our journey just begin kata my son..