Wednesday 20 June 2012

I love you mum..

..something beautiful which I really wanna share with you my dearest Kamila..I've got through such letter form my friend's blog..really touch my heart

To my Dear Daughter,

If I’m not there to help you prepare for this next chapter of your life, to help you decide who to spend your life with, to be there to share your joys and sadness, your girly giggles and your painful tears, know this...

Know that no matter who you find, he is not your Mr. Right; Allah is. HE is the One to depend on. HE is the One who will make everything alright. Your will be your friend, but take Allah as your BF (Best Friend).

When things are good, be grateful to HIM, and when things aren’t so good, cry to HIM.

Know that your success isn’t in being the world to this man. Your success, your worthiness is from Allah. You are not incomplete without him. You were beautiful, complete, and worthy before you married.

Don’t try to change him in to someone he is not. Don’t nag him to get your way and don’t be afraid to love him. But love moderately. Maintain your own happiness. Don’t become so full of him that you are empty inside. Fill your being with the remembrance of Allah.

Know that you will have ups and downs. That’s normal. And know that when you have downs, it doesn’t equal divorce. Know that if you have children, they’ll be watching you, just like you watched me. Know that if you distance yourself from him, he may distance himself from you too, so don’t be afraid to be the first to come back.

Remember to make him feel important and appreciated. If you don’t, who else will? Know that if you want the man of your dreams, become the woman of your own dreams first.

Remember you have faults too. Work on them before you correct his. Get your examples from the Mothers of the Believers and female companions, not the celebrities on TV or movies.

Know that even though you saw your father and I smile and play, and you saw me greet him at the door when he came home (even if I just saw him), that I too had a tear-stained prayer mat. But I stayed. Because I knew you needed me.

I stayed because Allah made marriage to make us better people, to give us companionship in this troublesome world. Know that I want happiness and love for you. Better than what I had myself. And know that the only way to get it is by sticking to Allah.

And lastly, know that I love you.


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Saturday 16 June 2012

Tawakkal Suatu Keajaiban Hidup

sungguh seringkali diri ini berat untuk menatap
sungguh seringkali diri ini lelah untuk berharap
sungguh seringkali diri ini letih untuk berjalan
sungguh seringkali diri ini penat untuk berfikir
namun dengan rahmatMu..
 aku mohon pertolongan baikilah untukku urusanku
jangan Engkau serahkan diriku untuk driku walau sekelip mata
tolonglah diriku wahai yang Maha Pengasih untukku mengharungi kehidupan

....sungguh tawakkal padaMu adalah keajaiban hidup

Tuesday 12 June 2012

setitis sifat ego

my dearest ..shahmie, kamilia, ayman, May Allah SWT continue shower upon you more blessings and the entire ummah as well insyaAllah
i am really sorry because of my tight schedule i have not been able with you sometimes a while but there is something so much i want to share with you all and i must say that there is so much i wanna experience with you dearest.. 
i woke up this morning with this such beautiful word from dr zaharudin..please have it in your mind okay..
“Ramai yang enggan membuka buku dan membaca tulisan seseorang individu kerana merasakan dirinya tidak layak untuk membaca dan melihat luahan ilmu daripada seorang yang dianggap lebih rendah daripadanya.

“Ramai juga yang enggan mendengar ulasan kebaikkan daripada seorang individu lain hanya kerana menyangka dirinya lebih mengetahui. Dan begitulah terbantutnya proses ilmu itu hanya kerana setitis sifat ego yang ada dalam diri”

“Ego sebenarnya akan menjadikan seseorang itu semakin ‘tidak pandai’. Lebih malang lagi, ego akan menjadikan dirinya ujub dan rasa hebat pada matanya sendiri sahaja, namun ia kelihatan ‘bodoh’ pada pandangan ramai. 
Ya Allah, jauhilah kami daripada tergolong dalam kumpulan ini.’