Wednesday 25 May 2011

tarbiyyah Illahi..

Hati itu kadangkala perlu juga diketuk dengan ujian..
agar ia terdidik untuk tidak sentiasa selesa pada KESENANGAN, tapi mampu selesa juga dengan PENDERITAAN...
Jadi senyumlah wahai sahabatku..
walau dalam suka dan duka, kecewa dan gembira..
Kerana yang suka itu anugerah dan yang duka itu TARBIYYAH DARI ILAHI buat hambaNya yang dikasihi...
Setiap ujian itu tersirat hikmah di sebaliknya..
terkandung pelbagai makna dgnnya~

Tuesday 24 May 2011

however hard..

i've got message from my friend..
and i think its amazing to share with you somethings great rite?..
       ...anyone can carry any burden..however hard until nightfall..
                 anyone can do his work however hard for one day..
anyone can live sweetly..patiently ..lovingly..purely..till the sun goes down
turns to the Creator without doubt...and this is all life really means

Monday 23 May 2011

PBL course

Assalamualaykum wbt..

with His Most Gracious Most Merciful..
attending the course today is very meaningful to is getting started with Problem-Based Leraning which is useful in educating students nowadays..
meeting new ukhuwah with some of the staff..i learned a lots from them
thanks to Dr.Fairuz, Dr. Suhaily,Dr.Suhaizi,Dr. Fadzilah,Dr OTeh frm medical dept..even we just know each other but your ukhuwah is wonderful..sharing knowlege and motivated each others with you all are great..
and also to Dr. Haliza..we understand with your circumstance not allow you to do all but for are such great lady..keep strong ok..
something i learned about myself..
something i learned about others..
something i learned about groups..
...most of all
   hiw to change from teacher to facilitator..

Sunday 22 May 2011


al Fatihah dan innalillahi wainna ilayhi rajiun..
sebak dan pilu menatap berita di akhbar dan tv..
melihat  jasad anak2 yatim yg tertimbus oleh runtuhan tanah ..
mereka adalah insan yg dicintai oleh Rasulullah saw jika baginda masih ada di sini..
hatiku amat pilu..air mata mengalir tanpa kusedari..
tak mampu ku tahan lagi..
sendu tiada terucap..
hanya doaku yang tulus pada yang Maha Esa..
moga mereka ditempatkan dalam kalangan solihin..
sesunguhnya ia memberi pengajaran yang amat bermakna buatku..

Thursday 19 May 2011

hati sahabatku..

Sahabatku memberitahuku hatinya terluka bila niat baiknya dipertikai oleh orang lain. Ya Allah berilah kesabaran padanya, moga dia terus dapat berbuat baik dan bukakanlah hatinya untuk reda dengan cabaran yang dihadapinya. Ya Allah berilah kedudukan kepada orang yang berniat ikhlas dan mulia hatinya. Berilah kesedaran dan petunjuk kepada orang yang suka mengadu domba dan menganiaya orang lain. Ya Allah ampunilah dosa-dosa hambamu disengaja ataupun tidak. Tanamknlah rasa kasih dan sayang antara sesama manusia khusunya yang bersaudara se Islam.

Andai hari esok masih ada ku ingin melihat semua insan hanya memperkatakan yang benar, tiada kata mengata, dusta dan fitnah. Keamanan dunia ini adalah tanggungjawab setiap insan sebagai khalifah Allah di muka bumi ini.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Charlie bit my finger - again !

lewat dinihari..

dalam bisik bicaraku lewat dinihari..

duhai Yang Maha Pengasih..
terkadang jiwaku letih dan semangatku hilang pergi..
dengan kekuatan rohaniku..
mengingatkan daku
bahawa Engkau ya Allah ..
sentiasa mengetahui hakikat usahaku yang sudah sedaya upaya untuk berubah menjadi lebih baik..
tangisanku berpanjangan
dan hatiku dihimpit kedukaan
pantas kusedar
bahawa Engkau ya Allah..
kan menghitung setiap titisan air mataku..
ku juga sedar
bahawa Engkau ya Allah..
tidak akan mensia-siakan usaha hambaNya..
kerana sesunguhnya Engkau ya Allah..
Maha Adil lagi Amat Penyayang..
lindungilah aku dibawah lembayung rahmahMu..

Tuesday 17 May 2011

on tuesday..

Assalamualaykum and sobah al khayr to everyone..
emmm..what i'm going to do today..
holiday and without my kids by myside at this moment
i feel so lonely..
ohhh nooo..
you cant think that way
you are not alone..
His love always with you rite?
He loves you more than you love Him
He always be yourside
do not leave Him away
forgive me..Illahi
keep me strong my Most Gracious..

emmm...yeah i've got an idea..
i want to be a designer ..
i want to do it on purpose..
to design and do a bit of renovation to my little house..
i didnt make over on it for ages i guess..hahahha
painting..coluring..gardening..planting..thats awesome rite?
it must be amazing job.. you can see it
are you happy with my new decoration
i love that..everything on it..
its so colourful and beautiful
my life are so beautiful
thank you Allah

Sunday 15 May 2011


I love to write, and this is where I write. Things that I write, there might be mistakes in them. I seek refuge in Allah swt for me and you from the bad my writings may bring. And any good from it, may He swt reward me for that and spread the goodness to others. Any words that appear displeasing to you, don't take it to heart for I don't intend to hurt anyone in any way. Any advices I put forward, may Allah swt give me the taufiq to first act upon them, for they might testify against me in the hereafter.
Dedicate to myself….'Aku mengamati semua sahabat, dan tidak menemukan sahabat yg lebih baik drpd menjaga lidah. Aku memikirkan tentang semua pakaian, tetapi tidak menemukan pakaian yg lebih baik drpd takwa. Aku merenungkan tentang segala jenis amal baik, namun tidak mendapatkan yg lebih baik drpd memberi nasihat baik. Aku mencari segala bentuk rezeki, tapi tidak menemukan rezeki yg lebih baik drpd sabar'. ( Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab )

aku ingin hidup tenang..

bila sesuatu perkara berlaku dalam hidupku..
pelbagai respon yang telah kuberikan..
mungkin adakalanya perasaan marah..benci..geram..merajuk..
dan adakalanya suka..senyum..sayang..
mungkin perkara itu berlaku kerana Allah swt mahu melihat bagaimana aku melaluinya..
with fully care..half care..or no care at all..
akhirnya dapat dibuktikan adakah aku seorang pemarah..penyabar atau pemaaf
dan juga tahap redhaku
maafkan aku..
kerana membuat insan2 di sekelilingku tidak berpuas hati denganku..
apa yang aku buat bukan terdorong dari sikap tergesa-gesa ..
atau sikap tidak berfikir panjang..
aku ingin hidup tenang..
aku akan menarik nafas lega setelah kuserahkan kembali kepada si Pemberi melalui sujud-sujuk yang termampu kulaksanakan..
airmataku tertumpah jatuh..
namun aku pasrah
aku ingatkan diri..
biar segala tindakanku datang dari si Penciptaku..
bukan dari kehendak hati yang kurang bersihnya..
moga yang datang itu
adalah sebuah keredhaan..
sebuah kemaafan..
sebuah silaturrahim..

tiada jawapan..

mengapa aku menulis..
mengapa luahan rasa perlu di sini..
tidak semua persoalan kehidupan ada jawapannya..
may Allah swt give me the tawfiq wa al hidayah..

Saturday 14 May 2011

givers never lack..

my teacher says to me..
If you have the opportunity to help someone..
make use of it because the opportunity might not come again and u'll loose the reward...
remember, givers never lack!!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Takdir yang Dia tuliskan buatku..

Hari ni kuberbicara….
    bicara yang amat halus…
       dari hatiku yang tulus...

            kukatakan pada diriku…
tahukah engkau betapa sayangnya Dia padamu

      betapa sayang dan rinduNya padamu
kukatakan pada diriku..
    kurasakan  dan kunikmati rasa kasih sayang dan rinduNya padaku

kukatakan lagi..
    Aku yakin akan kasihnya...aku redha segalanya..

          kerna kutahu rindunya Dia padaku hingga dibiarkan aku merayu-rayu meminta padaNya..
       mengharap padanya yang Esa..
          agar makin kukuh kasihku padaNya..
             agar aku tidak  berputus asa…

kerna kujuga tahu…
     aku perlu yakin akan...
           takdir yang Dia tuliskan buatku….

....duhai Yang Maha Penyayang Lagi Amat Pengasih
limpahilah rahmahMu buatku
lindungilah diriku dalam redhaMu

Monday 9 May 2011

no doubt..thanks

surprise cheese cake with blueberries on the top..thanks so much to mak ndak,cik yun,shahmie,kamilia and you said is 10% what happens and 90% how you respond..

Mother's Day From Islamic Perspective

Mother's Day From Islam Perspective 
First of all, it goes without saying that every committed Muslim is supposed to pay his parents, especially his mother, due respect. One should try to show dutifulness to one's parents, even if they happened to be non-Muslims, let alone being Muslims. What Islam goes against is to imitate non-Muslims by marking a special occasion such as celebrating the Mother's Day in a way that shows that mothers do not deserve due respect and care save on this very day. If we are going to make the whole year a Mother's Day, then Islam welcomes celebrating the occasion with open arms.

Indeed, Muslim scholars have maintained various opinions regarding the issue. Here below we will attempt to furnish you with Juristic views as regard this issue:

First of all, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, deputy chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, states:
Dutifulness to parents, especially the mother, and treating them kindly is an act of worship enjoined in both the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Being dutiful to parents is not confined to a specific time. It is an obligation that should be observed every time, as all people commonly know.

Yet, the Mother's Day, as it's known nowadays is a Western habit. The Westerners specified a day and called it the Mother's Day. On that day sons and daughters show gratefulness to their mothers and offer them presents. It has become part of important feasts in the West, whereas we Muslims have no other festivals except the Lesser and the Greater Bairams. Any other celebrations are deemed mere occasions or anniversaries; and this is applied to the Mother's Day.

The Mother's Day implies paying more attention and exerting more effort in expressing gratitude to mothers. So there is nothing wrong in that.

However, there are two reservations worth mentioning; first, considering the Mother's Day a feast; second, confining the task of showing dutifulness to mothers to that specific day, giving implication that throughout the whole year, just only one day is for showing love to parents. If such two anomalous points are addressed, then there is nothing wrong in considering the Mother's Day a chance to give more care to mothers.

Thus, we may take the Mother's Day as a chance to lay more emphasis on our duty towards our mothers, as Islam enjoins us, because dutifulness to parents is a genuine Islamic teaching. But Muslims, in doing that, should never deviate from the Islamic teachings, they should do things in Islamic manners, not in Western manners. Hence, they would not be imitating the non-Islamic habits of the West.

Hence, viewed in juristic perspective, we can say that celebrating the Mother's day is controversial among the contemporary scholars. While a group of them consider it haram (unlawful) as a kind of blind imitation of the Western non-Islamic habits, which have no benefit for Muslims, another group see it halal (lawful) on condition that showing gratitude and dutifulness to parents should not be confined to that day only.
Moreover, the well known erudite scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi states:

The Arab tend to blindly follow the Western in their celebration of the Mother's Day, without trying to understand the wisdom behind inventing such an occasion.

When the European found that children do not deal properly towards their parents nor give them their due right, they resorted to specifying an annual occasion for children to remedy the situation. But in Islam, mothers are to be given due respect and love every time, not only one day a year. For example, when one goes out, he kisses one's mother's hand seeking her pleasure and blessing.

A Muslim must not allow any gap between him and his mother, he must offer her presents every time. This indicates that Muslims can dispense with such an occasion, the Mother's Day. Unlike the case in the West, where it's a vogue for some children to show indifference to their mothers' feelings, and, what's more, it is so common to see some parents being dragged to infirmaries (as their kids have no time for them), dutifulness to parents in Islam, alongside with worshipping Allah, is a sacred duty.

In this concern, Almighty Allah says: (And We have commended unto man kindness toward parents. His mother beareth him with reluctance, and bringeth him forth with reluctance, and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months, till, when he attaineth full strength and reacheth forty years, he saith: My Lord! Arouse me that I may give thanks for the favor wherewith Thou hast favored me and my parents, and that I may do right acceptable unto Thee. And be gracious unto me In the matter of my seed. Lo! I have turned unto Thee repentant, and lo! I am of those who surrender (unto Thee).) (Al-Ahqaf 46: 15)

Reflecting on the aforementioned Qur'anic verse, we find it stressing both parents' right, but reviewing the following verses we find them paying special care to the mother and tackling the hardships she suffers in pregnancy, fosterage and rearing children.

In this verse, Almighty Allah informs man of the debt he owes his mother since he was a fetus, passing by the process of childbirth, infancy, childhood until he comes of age. A child normally forgets the hardship which his mother underwent during pregnancy. Hence Almighty Allah draws his attention to such hardships, laying emphasis on her great status in Islam.
Finally, Dr. `Abdul Fattah `Ashoor, professor of Qur'an Exegisis at Al-Azhar University, concludes:

Holding celebrations in honoring others and commemorating anniversaries are neither feasts nor Islamic. But one may seize any chance to express gratitude to those who deserve it. This is how we should consider the Mother's Day. The mother has a special place in the Islamic culture, and all other civilized cultures. So it is something good to do anything to please her and show gratefulness to her.

So dedicating a day to showing good feelings towards parents, especially the mother, is by no means blameworthy as it does not contradict the Islamic teachings, nor can it be merely considered a form of joining the Western vogue of making celebrations. Conversely, it is a kind of devotion to Allah's orders that we should be dutiful to our parents.

Sunday 8 May 2011

from me to you..on mother's day

Assalamualaykum wbt

To my dearest Ummi..
Oh yeah, without no doubt I’m sure you are doing pretty well today as I guess!!
Anyway I just want to start by sending you my best wishes for the day as I assumed you had a wonderful mother’s day, & I will be eager to hear from you about the good things you have experienced within this few days.
By the way I am Latifah by name just wishing we can become good friends who knows what this day will bring for us. lol, I live and work here in have a nice profile photo here and you looks very kind i'm sure you have a loving heart I thought we could talk later if you send me an e-mail and we can chat anytime we meet the same free time..

...Reply message..

Assalamualaykum wbt

To my lovely Latifah..
thanks for your mail..
indeed..i have had a great time with my kids and sister
it was so wonderful mother's day I ever had..surprised party with blueberries and cheesy cakes from my sisters even in a small events..but being there with my lovely kids are so amazing..
i thinks i have to let you know a bit about me..i live and work in Bangi since 12 yrs now..
i can see your profile photo are nice and looks pretty..hope we can be a best friend..insyaAllah..
bye for now
have a nice day..

buat ummu yg kupanggil emak..

kupanjatkan selaut syukur buat Mu.. ILahi
kerana dengan rahmat dan redhaMu
aku masih diberi peluang mendengar mutiara indah dari
ummuku yang tercinta..
saat tadi..
aku diberi keizinanNya
meluahkan coretan hatiku pada ummuku yang tercinta..
terima kasih ummu atas segala2nya
hanya padaNya kupohon
moga kalian berdua
di dalam redha dan rahmatNya

Thursday 5 May 2011

i am...

Azamku tak mungkin kau jadikan kelabu...
Tepis-tepis kata yg sinis...
    Yang panas ku jadikan membeku...
          Bahagia aku kemudi selalu...
               Biar ku menuju jalan tak berbiku ..
Biarkan cemburu berkubur..
     Asalkan tak cemari hidupku..
               Biarkan ku senyum selalu..
             Tandanya ku tiada seteru..
              Jangan kau terpenjuru..
                  Jangan kau bercelaru...
 Diriku bukan milikmu..

"Ya Allah... Tunjukkan kepada kami yang benar dan jadikan pilihan kami mengikuti yang benar itu. Dan juga tunjukkan kepada kami yang tidak benar dan permudahkan kami meninggalkannya."


Ya Illahi...
kenapa selalu dtgnya perasaan bila diri ini terlebih sesuatu yg Engkau kurniakan..
rasa terlalu segan dan tersangat malu pd insan yang tidak memiliki yg terlebih itu....
kdgkala termenung bercampur sedih kerana ku dikurniakan nikmatMu itu...
namun hatiku bimbang jika diriku tak mampu melakukan kebaikan yg sepatutnya nikmatMu itu...
 menjadikan diriku lebih melaksanakan kebaikan berbanding insan yg tidak memilikinya...~