Thursday 30 August 2012

al fatihah..buat ateih

          innalillahi wainna ilayhi raji'unn..
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu..
it was so sad whenever my ex sister in law told me this horrific news last night
doaku sentiasa mengiringimu ateih..
moga ruhmu tenang dan damai bersama insan-insan soleh dan beriman di sana
              sesungguhnya Allah amat menyayangimu

ukhuwwah forever

titipan du'a buat mu sahabatku..
Ya Allah.. sahabatku ini adalah sahabat yang baik, 
ku mohon teguhkan hatinya hatinya dan sabar dalam dugaan hidupnya..
aku amat menyayanginya kerana Mu..
murahkanlah dan bukakanlah pintu rezekinya..
lindungilah dia dari segala bencana..
selamatkanlah dia di dunia dan akhirat..
iringilah dia dengan kasih sayangMu..
jika ia jatuh bangunkan dia dengan hikmahMu..
jika dia lemah tabahkan dia dengan kekuatanMu..
aku amat menyayangi dia

Monday 27 August 2012

Eid al fetr Mubarak

just wanna share a very happy Eid day with my family
i feel so blessed indeed

TAQAB ALLAHU MINA WA MIN KUM May Allah (swt) accept from you and from me. I pray Allah (swt) accepts our ibadah & that we have gained Taqwa in this blessed month just gone passed us. May Allah help us to continue with our ibadah, dawah & struggle to establish the Khilafah even after this month.

p/s: tiada di dlm gambar (adik asri sekeluarga, adik syed sekeluarga yg kini berada di Jordan,adik hatta,my lovely daughter kamiliangah adik usman,)

shafakallah buat ayah dan emak tercinta

suasana pilu di malam syawal
bila ayah tanpa sedar terjatuh tika bangun untuk bertahajud 
hampir 12 jam di hospital menunggu  pemeriksaan doktor
namun resultnya tidada jawapan dari pakar
pada Allah kami anak-anakmu mengadu dan bertawakal
doa kami tiada putus pada yang Maha Esa
moga ayah dikurniakan kembali nikmat sihat
agar terus dapat beramal ibadat padaNya
jua doa kami buat emak tercinta
moga dikurniakan Allah afiat selamanya
rindu kami pada kalian
sering bertamu di hati
ya Allah peliharalah kedua ibubapa kami dengan rahmahMu
ya Allah lindungilah mereka dengan kasih dan sayangMu
walau kami jauh di sini namun kami tahu bahawa Engkau sentiasa di samping mereka
dengan itu kami tenang dan damai
 kerana sesungguhnya Engkaulah sebaik-baik pemelihara buat kedua permata cinta kami

Sunday 26 August 2012

Eid Mubarak

Assalamualaykum to my dearest Muslim brothers and sisters...
 .Eid Mubarak

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you, your colleagues and all your families a very happy, peaceful and blessed Eid.
Rabbana Taqabbal Siyaamana wa Qiyaamana wa Ruku'ana wa Sujoodana wa Kulli a'maalina fi Sabilika fi Shahri-Ramadan, Ameen.

May Allah (swt) accept our fasting, our prayers, our worship and all our good deeds done in the month of Ramadan, Ameen. 


The month of Shawwal has been chosen by Allah Almighty for the celebration of "Eid-ul-fitr", one of the only two annual festivals recognised by the Shari'ah. This happy day is designed by the Shari'ah as a sign of gratefulness by the Muslims on the accomplishment of Ramadan, and as an immediate reward by Allah for those who spent the month of Ramadan in fasting and performing other forms of ibadah. 

It had been the practice of the Prophet (saw) that he would not sleep in the night preceding the day of Eid-ul-fitr. This night has been named in a Hadith as the Night of Reward (Lailatul Jaiza). Almighty bestows his rewards on those who have spent the month of Ramadan abiding by the dictates of Shari'ah, and all their prayers in this night are accepted. Therefore, it is desirable to perform nafl prayers in this night. 

The Prophet (saw) is reported to have said:
Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting rewards from his Lord, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die. (Ibn Majah) 

Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of Eid-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. 
Anas (radiallahu anhu) also narrated: The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) used to eat odd number of dates.
Hadith 2.73 (Al-Bukhari)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

so sad to let you go

Ramadhan Kareem..
my dearest guest.. as you come to an end I wish you could stay forever so Muslims brothers and sister will be at their best of Imaan and is so sad to let you go truly and wholeheartedly I love you so much and I know although the night of the 27th of yours is over, I am still in the last 10 days of you, i believe strongly that these days are very special and very blessed.. they said if yours is a race in doing good things, then I am in the last part of the race.. so i want to take it as the time to speed up and do more and never give up.. The finishing line is within sight, so this is the time to do my best in worship. May Allah grant me His forgiveness and mercy in this days.. Amin ya Rabb!