Tuesday 29 November 2011

prayer on Islamic new year..1433H

 notes from Syeikh Mutawalli..
تحية اجلال وتقدير للشعب المصرى العظيم الذى اثبت للعالم تحضره واستحقاقه
للديموقراطية وانه مؤهل لها وليس كما ادعى البعض ونحمد الله عز وجل على نعمة
الحرية وندعوه سبحانه كما اتم نعمته علينا ان يتمها على المسلمين فى كل مكان وفى 
سوريا واليمن وسائر بلاد لاسلام

Sunday 27 November 2011

thank you

Dear Most Merciful Allah swt, 

I wanna take a minute not to ask for anything from You,

but simply to say thank You for all I have.

Saturday 19 November 2011

He gives you what you need

this morning i've got a message from AK:

In Life, GOD Doesn't Give You The People You Want.
Instead, He Gives You The People You Need -
To Teach You, To Hurt You, To Love you,
And To Make You Exactly The Way You're Meant To Be.

May Your Life Be Filled With Love, Peace And Blessing At The Times. (Amen)
Have A Good Day

this day..

This is a moment in which I feel very sure of who I am, very accepted, very peaceful, happy with the things i have done in my life...
something i felt on those moments..when every day is like wanting to dial a number and no one answers. getting to a place and think..i'm gonna text him..but there's no one to send the message to..the fact that he's not here psychically..that's what's painful..its something i am working on not day by day or hour by hour but minute by minute ..i am trying to be stronger about this every day..
But ..this day i left everything behind..
me and him and our heart broken..and i lock the door ..you and i have our own journey but strive on our own ways..
pretty sure..our life is change but not memory..never look the past because you not live there anymore..
may Allah swt shower us with his blessing..

Friday 11 November 2011

111111..beautiful day for my Dad

a beautiful day for my Dad.. 

this day is not special day only to me, 

but to all my family members and those people 

whose lives you have touched with your kindness and generosity..

it's hard for me to say the things i want to say sometimes

 but you know Dad 

I feel so blessed to have you as my Dad. 

May Allah always pour love.. good health and happiness on you..

you're everything for us indeed..

Jum'ah Mubarakah and Happy Birthday AYAH..

I Love You

As humans we seem to search for significance in things. 

Today is 11.11.11, and yes, it's very even,

 and yes, such a date will never come round in our lifetime again, 

but honestly: no day comes round in our lifetime again, each day is special. 

And the very special thing about today is that it's Friday! Let's go and earn the day's blessing and not worry about numerology.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Saturday 5 November 2011

my dearest son..birthday

To my dearest Ammar Shahmie on 061111..wish you a wonderful birthday and happy Eid Mubarak my love..I am so great to see you entering the next stage of your life ..and I pray that you will before making any decision big or small make a prayer to ask Allah for His guidance, help and blessings. I am here to love you and support you in your journey. I am told that a mother’s love has no comparison on earth, but that it comprises only one percent of the Love that Allah has for us. May you always feel the gentle cloak of His Love and Rahma on your shoulders along with mine.
Love and prayers for you always!

الحج والعمرة خطوة خطوة تعليم مناسك الحج والعمرة

Eid Mubarak

i've missed the moments i was there
had perform hajj two years back
i am missing praying in the most sacred mosque
labbaikallahumma labbaik
i am missing so much
so blessed and wonderful
Eid al -Mubarak to everyone
may Allah accept our du'a and our good deeds
and our sins been forgiven

Wednesday 2 November 2011

ya ikhwati...

Di sana ku nampak saudara perempuanku,
× بحجابها يا إخوتي
dengan hijabnya, wahai saudara-saudaraku.
وأرى هناك أخيتي
Di sana ku nampak saudara perempuanku,
بحجابها يا إخوتي
dengan hijabnya, wahai saudara-saudaraku.
قولي لهم يا درتي: أبغي رضا الرحمن
Katakanlah kepada mereka wahai permataku: “Ku hanya mencari keredhaan Tuhan Yang Maha Merahmati.
إن الحجاب بشرعنا عتق من النيران
Sesungguhnya hijab yang menepati syariat kita adalah pembebas daripada api Neraka.”
يا أختنا! أنت العفيفة المصونة بالحجاب
Wahai saudariku! Engkaulah perempuan yang benar-benar menjaga kehormatan dan terpelihara dengan memakai hijab.
يا أختنا! فيك النزاهة والعفافة والثواب
Wahai saudariku! Pada dirimu (dengan memakai hijab) terdapat kesucian, penjagaan kehormatan dan pahala yang besar.
يا أختنا! هم ساخطون بغيهم مثل الكلاب
Wahai saudariku! (Lantaran kau memakai hijab), mereka marah kepadamu seperti anjing dengan sebab kesesatan mereka.
فالنار مثوى الظالمين لهم عقاب
Oleh itu, Neraka yang merupakan tempat tinggal orang-orang yang zalim akan menjadi balasan buruk mereka.
والله يكشف ظلمهم يوم الحساب
Allah pula akan membongkar kezaliman mereka pada Hari Perhitungan.
والجنة المأوى ويا حسن المآب
Syurga ialah tempat tinggal yang hakiki. Oh, alangkah indahnya tempat kembali itu.
يا أختنا! صبرا تذوب بسحره كل الصعاب
Wahai saudari! Sabarlah dengan sebenar-benar kesabaran yang dengan sihirnya semua kesusahan dan rintangan akan mencair.
يا أختنا! هذا نباح لا يؤثر في السحاب
Wahai saudari! (Tentangan mereka) ini hanyalah seumpama salakan anjing yang tidak akan meninggalkan apa-apa kesan pada awan.
يا أختنا! هذا عواء الحاقدين من الذئاب
Wahai saudari! (Tentangan mereka) ini hanyalah seumpama salakan serigala-serigala yang berdendam.
يا نفس كفي عن العصيان واكتسبي
Wahai diriku! Berhentilah daripada melakukan maksiat, dan lakukanlah bersungguh-sungguh,
فعلا جميلا لعل الله يرحمني
perbuatan yang baik, semoga Allah merahmatiku.