Tuesday 15 September 2009

Happy Eid to all my beloved muslims

Since i remember i always have a happy Eid al-fitr ..
back to my previous days ..when i was a young girl..my parents wake me up in the early morning..brushing my sleepiness and hurriying going to the kitchen..checking the foods and cookies which i love on the pretty table with a new cover on it..i'm very exciting because today i can eat on the day time..
then rushing going to the well and having a shower without fighting my mum who always getting trouble with my thousand manners during school days..
then..speeding up to my room and put on a new and pretty dress which i can have it only for eid celebration..because thats what my parents can pay for!
and then get ready to the mosque ..
later.. visit my neighbours and my beloved relatives with one subject 'collect the money as much as i can' ..and of course playing arround with my friends ..no mathematics..no science..no lecture from my parents..
i'm free today...hooreyyy !!!!

but now..
my concerns is no longer as childish as limited before..i'm aware the world around me..while we celebrating this occasion there are people who strive hard in struggling their life on..who face death and opression on daily basis..neighbours who are in hunger and starving with no cookies and marvelous dishes ..young kids who are have a big dreaming want a walk on the street without catching by a gun man.!!

for those who miss a spirit of celebration..i'm always praying may Allah bless you and insyaAllah one day you will have much better life...

my warmest and deepest wishes
"a happy eid al mubarak to all my beloved Muslims
and May Allah bless us in everything we do"


Anonymous said...

Salam Eid al-mubarak kak buat seluruh keluarga, macammana raya di tanah air, jangan dilupa kenangan terindah kita beraya di Itali...Pisa..Rom...Venice..VaticanCity...sangat indah untuk dikenang...kenangan raya yang cukup nostalgia...jikalah masa boleh berulang kembali, alangkah indahnya.....Salam sayang forever....to you my beloved bestfriend...forever, insyaAllah...
Seri dan family

ummuammar said...

kenangan beraya di europe sentiasa segar dlm ingatan..kerananya juga tautan ukhuwah kita terjalin indah..salam rindu dari akak sekeluarga..emm bila nak aktif blog tu..selalu gak akak jengah2

UnGu VioLet said...

selamat hari raya untuk akak sekeluarga.. ikhlas dr mar yg jauh di sini.. mohon maaf zahir batin yer kak..