Thursday 8 December 2011

my letter..

Jangan difikir derita akan berpanjangan, kelak akan membawa putus asa pada Tuhan, ingatlah biasanya kabus tak berpanjangan, setelah kabus berlalu, .......PASTI CERAH KEMBALI!
It is hard to say the things I want to say sometimes ..and i was staring on my laptop and wondering what would I express how i feel all this while ..and finally i will find that this letter is a patch of what i feel on those moments..
It is really painful to let it goes...Well, that only applies to things I am really passionate about and have loved and cared for a long time. I sure won't have problem saying goodbye to anything that caused inconvenience to me, would I? I'm about to embark on a departure from something very dear to my heart. It hurts me like mad when I made the decision but it's for the greater good. I don't know what lies ahead, but the moment the decision was done, I felt great but sad too…
Sometimes, it comes a point in our lives when we have to think what we are doing and where we are heading. When happiness fades, we need to look for new beginnings. When love dies, we need to step away and carve out the dead feelings…

I know it is difficult to let this loves depart from my deepest heart... We have been through so much together that it hurts just recalling a tiny fraction of the time we spent as a couple. We have had our fair share of love and happiness. Let that be the memories that will stay with us as we go our separate ways. Continuing on will only leave us with more bitter recollections that will overwhelm the happier shades that we once shared. That's simply because true happy moments will never be possible from now on when the magical feeling has long gone. Perhaps you will find that I'm trying to justify my decision to move on. Maybe I'm and for that I'm truly sorry.
But I strongly believe that I deserve someone appreciate who I am. Someone who can love and cherish me the way a lover should rather than depending on crumbs from a dying feeling which is better left buried. If I can't feel it in my heart, neither can I give you what you rightly deserve. That being the case, let us go and seek our own rainbows, which I'm sure will appear when the time is right.

To be candid for myself ..I really hope your happy with your life ..I hope you see what you have done..I hope you see that this is all wrong.. should you realize that you and I are not perfect..indeed  nobody is perfect but I know every one of us want to be perfect so let us learn from our weakness instead of being hurting of each other will never see that  my smile was rehearsed..I hope I get to tell you this: 'I wish I never knew you because of you....I wish I didnt exist..

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