Tuesday 4 December 2007

all these dreams have died..

ketika membaca dan meniliti kandungan 'Muslim News' tersentuh di hati ini..
betapa sengsaranya umat Islam di negara 'penjajah'
teringat aku pada keluhan seorang teman..
Rayhana namanya..seorang Muslimah dari Pakistan yang sudah lama menetap di Newcastle..
menempuhi perjalanan kehidupan di sini amat memeritkan baginya
bagai mengharap 'mimpi indah' menjadi kenyataan
seperti katanya padaku..

to learn from each others,
the richness our differences
to share our smile and tears
in one united body
to be as loyal as swans
to be at peace; with all guns grown silent
a word of love and harmony
the music of understanding filling the air
healing the dance of life
expectant like blossom
remembering hope like the days of our childhood
all these dreams have died..

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