Thursday 19 October 2017

Tahniah utk anda...

Bersama anak2 it's precious and wonderful to me..
As my beloved son said "mama,kita telah banyak lalui saat2 suka dan duka.. pelbagai ujian dan pengalaman yang ditempuhi bersama angah, adik n me.. We all love you so much forever.." really breathtaking.. Allah ya Rabb..
Anak2 seperti memahami gelodak jiwa dan perasaan ini..

Dear feelings, I need you to move on..
But I have to remind this, please stop pretending but remember this :
“The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honoured and have their rights...especially your wife!!

Tika ini hanya mampu utk berpesan pada diri.. Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending.

Terima kasih sahabat kerana sentiasa memahamiku.. Terima kasih kerana menemaniku...terima kasih kerana menyapu titisan air mata ini..
Pesananmu memberiku kekuatan..
Don't let little things get you down...
You've got many big reasons to look up to ALLAH SWT and say thanks..
It's going to be a great day…

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